Wednesday, October 15, 2008

USPS Shipping Provider for dashCommerce

Download the install files from here.

What is the USPS Shipping Provider?
The USPS Shipping Provider for dashCommerce allows for real time calculation of shipping rates when a user checks out their order. The provider uses the Domestic Rates API (V3). Details of the API can be found here. Currently only domestic (US -> US) calculations are possible, international coming soon.

How Do I Install The Provider
In the Zip file you have downloaded there are three files (SKILTZ.DLL, USPSsetup.aspx and uspsconfiguration.ascx).

Copy these files to their appropriate location as specified in structure of the zip files.

Browse to and press the install button.

****NO existing pages on dashCommerce are modified so the install should be safe use with any pre-existing pages you have modified*********************

How do I configure the Provider
By going to "Manage Shipping Providers" is dashCommerce you can setup the provider, you will need to obtain a API from USPS, you can get this from here.

*****Please note the USPS testing server is not configured to allow testing of the Rate V3 API. I requested access to production environment and advised I only needed access to this API and there more than happy to give me access to the production environment (can't say the same for some other postal companies they won't even give me access to their testing system without a valid customerID).

What if I have problems?
Please email I'm more than happy to help.

Got anything else cool?
You can also use the USPS shipping provider to allow for flat rate shipping. There are 3 flat rate configuration options.

- Flat Rate Per Order
- Flat Rate Per Unique Item
- Flat Rate Per Item.

Wednesday, October 8, 2008

Zero Payment Provider for dashCommerce

Below are some instructions on how to add a ZeroPaymentProvider to your exsisting dashCommerce installaton. This is still in very early stages and I need some people to test it, recommend changes etc. It currently only works with PayPalStandard but will be added to PayPal Express after some people have provided feedback.

I suggest making all these changes in a TESTING environment first, maybe sure a backup is taken before making any changes.


1. Copy ZeroPaymenyProvider.cs to > store > services > Payment Service

This class does basically nothing other than allows to hold a description which we will use after this initial release.

2. Overwrite checkout.aspx.cs, paypalcheckout.aspx, paypalcheckout.aspx.cs and paypalcheck.aspx.designer.cs

With any luck hopefully you haven't made any previous changes to these files. checkout.aspx.cs basically is just adding another line of code and all 3 PayPalChekout file have been extensively modified to allow for the new accordion pane.

3. Copy the 3 ZeroPaymentConfiguration files to Web > Admin > Controls > Configuration > Payment Providers

4.Add these resources to Labels.resx or if made no previsous modification just copy the one over in the zip file

hlZeroPaymentHelp - This will be a description that is displayed to the customer.
lblZeroPayment - Description for Customer:
lblZeroPaymentDescriptionTitle - Zero Payment
pnlZeroPaymentConfiguration - Zero Payment Conifguration
rfvZeroPayment - This field is required.

5. Overwrite Store/ Enumerations.cs with one in zip file. Adds 1 more enumeration

6. Add a single entry to database

INSERT INTO dashCommerce_Store_OrderStatusDescriptor
(OrderStatusId, Name, CreatedBy, ModifiedBy)
VALUES (700,'Pay On Pickup','SYSTEM','SYSTEM')

7. Build Project and Deploy/Publish Website.

8. Login to admin control panel

Go to Configuration > Payment Providers > Manage Payment Providers

Fill in fields:
Name: ZeroPaymentProvider
Description: Whatever you want
Configuration Control Path: ~/admin/controls/configuration/paymentproviders/zeropaymentconfiguration.ascx

Go to Configuration > Payment Providers > Configure Payment Providers

Fill in the appropaite fields. If you only configure 1 provider then the accordion pane "Payment Method" will not be showne when making an order. Therefore if you want to see the accordion pane then make sure you configure both the Zero Payment Provider and the PayPal Standard Provider.

We will need to do something about the names but this just fixed after some testing and feedback has been completed.

The files you need can be downloaded from:
