Friday, October 23, 2009


Attached is example of what is to come when the nzpost api is realeased for calculating freight costs.

This is a c# .NET solution so you will need to have visual studio 2008 to run it.

Download from

Any questions let me know.

c# Example using the nzpost api

skiltz.nzpost.Package Package = new skiltz.nzpost.Package();
Package.height = 3;
Package.length = 3;
Package.thickness = 3;
Package.weight = 3;
Package.Qty = 1;

//Crete new request to NZPOST RateFinder url
skiltz.nzpost.Request Request = new skiltz.nzpost.Request("Wellington", "Auckland");

//Add our shipment package to the request.
//Can add as many as you like.

//Get the response from NZPost
skiltz.nzpost.Response Response = new skiltz.nzpost.Response();
Response = Request.GetRate();

//TO:DO Error Handling.

//we could loop through each package and spit out whatever we want
foreach (skiltz.nzpost.Product p in Response.PackageCollection)
decimal cost = default(decimal);
cost = p.Cost;

gv1.DataSource = Response.PackageCollection;

Result: Example

'Create new package for shipment
Dim Package As New skiltz.nzpost.Package()
Package.height = txtHeight.Text
Package.length = txtLength.Text
Package.thickness = txtThickness.Text
Package.weight = txtWeight.Text
Package.Qty = 1

'Crete new request to NZPOST RateFinder url
Dim Request As New skiltz.nzpost.Request(txtSrc.Text, txtDestination.Text)

'Add our shipment package to the request.
'Can add as many as you like.

'Get the response from NZPost
Dim Response As New skiltz.nzpost.Response()
Response = Request.GetRate()

'TO:DO Error Handling.

'we could loop through each package and spit out whatever we want
For Each p As skiltz.nzpost.Product In Response.PackageCollection
Dim cost As Decimal
cost = p.Cost

If you're looking to implement the nzpost api into your application today and need a developer to make it work please send me an email.


This projects wraps Martin Milesich's ( date time picker an extention to jquery ui components into an Umbraco Datatype.

Both of these controls are licensed under the MIT and GPL licenses.

Installing this package will Install the following items:

- Files insalled/umbraco_client/skiltz.DateTimePicker directory
- .dll file installed to your bin directory called skiltz.DateTimePicker.
- Two datatypes called skiltz.DatePicker and skiltz.DateTimePicker

The datatype has 6 properties which can be set.

showTime | true/false
constrainInput | true/false allow user to input text into textbox
stepMinutes | int 1 to 60
stepHours | int 1 to 24
time24h | true/false
dateFormat | dd/mm/yy (javascript format)

Furthur information about these properties should be looked up at Martin's blog as mentioed above.

-Known bugs:
Having two of these datatypes on one page with showTime property set to true caused the time dialog box not to show. This is because the script tags are being rendered to the Master page multiple times.

Any questions feel free to ask.

Download from: