Thursday, April 8, 2010

Only allow approved members to Login + Umbraco

This is how I go about not allowing Umbraco members to login whn they haven't been approved.

In my MemberType I have a True/False datatype called Active.

On my MemberLogin user control page my member login control looks like

<asp:Login ID="lgMember" OnLoggingIn="Login1_LoggedIn" CssClass="login" VisibleWhenLoggedIn="false" DestinationPageUrl="/Members.aspx"
LabelStyle-VerticalAlign="middle" LabelStyle-CssClass="LoginLabel" TextBoxStyle-Width="100px" UserNameLabelText="Login"
PasswordLabelText="Password" TitleText="" DisplayRememberMe="false" runat="server" />

In the codebehind my Login1_LoggedIn event looks like.

protected void Login1_LoggedIn(object sender, EventArgs e)
//get member
Member m = Member.GetMemberByName(((Login)sender).UserName.ToString(), false).First();

if (m.getProperty("Active").Value.ToString() != "1")


This will redirect the user to a page explaining their membership hasn't been enabled yet.

Friday, April 2, 2010

nopCommerce and Umbraco

I have two major passions when it comes to .net open source projects and they are Umbraco and nopCommerce.  What I am planning on doing is building a nopCommerce package for Umbraco.  There are plenty of good commerce packages already for Umbraco and I have nothing against these packages I just love nopCommerce and would like to be able to use it within the Umbraco framework.  I don’t think is going to be a quick task and will probably need to be spanned over many months.  I’m going to try and blog what I do so other .Net applications might be able to use some of the challenges I encounter and how they might go about resolving them.   Please check back here regularly to check on my progress.  Will also try and get a package up into codeplex.  Wish me luck!

Friday, March 12, 2010

Free nopcommerce installation

Are you looking for someone to install nopCommerce for you? If you need nopcommerce hosting and join Softsys Hosting then please flick me an email and I'll install if free for you. Softsyshosting is a fantasic hosting company and is a perfect fit for nopCommerce.

Monday, March 8, 2010