Thursday, February 7, 2008

Live Customer Helpdesk for Umbraco

This week AxoSoft released its chat client software PureChat, well what can I say this piece of sofware is awesome, took less than a few minutes to get up and running in a project and only about double that time in Umbraco. PureChat is free for 1 operator and as an opening special $5 for 5 operators.

To download PureChat go here

Installation into Umbraco.

- Follow Purchat Instruction first and foremost
- In web.config add value "/PureChat/" to umbracoReservedPaths key
- Move PureChatRequestControl.ascx to the Usercontrol Folder
- I also moved the two image files into the PureChat directory so they were out of the way and keeps things nice and tidy, if you do this then you will need to change values in the PureChat config file.
- Create Umbraco Macro for Chat Client and select UserControl (tick use in editor)
- Add Macro to content page.

Done logon to operator side eg http://localhost/purechat/operator/PureChatOperator.aspx

1 comment:

bootnumlock said...

did you check out how 1.1 is a completely different setup :P