Wednesday, October 15, 2008

USPS Shipping Provider for dashCommerce

Download the install files from here.

What is the USPS Shipping Provider?
The USPS Shipping Provider for dashCommerce allows for real time calculation of shipping rates when a user checks out their order. The provider uses the Domestic Rates API (V3). Details of the API can be found here. Currently only domestic (US -> US) calculations are possible, international coming soon.

How Do I Install The Provider
In the Zip file you have downloaded there are three files (SKILTZ.DLL, USPSsetup.aspx and uspsconfiguration.ascx).

Copy these files to their appropriate location as specified in structure of the zip files.

Browse to and press the install button.

****NO existing pages on dashCommerce are modified so the install should be safe use with any pre-existing pages you have modified*********************

How do I configure the Provider
By going to "Manage Shipping Providers" is dashCommerce you can setup the provider, you will need to obtain a API from USPS, you can get this from here.

*****Please note the USPS testing server is not configured to allow testing of the Rate V3 API. I requested access to production environment and advised I only needed access to this API and there more than happy to give me access to the production environment (can't say the same for some other postal companies they won't even give me access to their testing system without a valid customerID).

What if I have problems?
Please email I'm more than happy to help.

Got anything else cool?
You can also use the USPS shipping provider to allow for flat rate shipping. There are 3 flat rate configuration options.

- Flat Rate Per Order
- Flat Rate Per Unique Item
- Flat Rate Per Item.

1 comment:

mglil said...

the zip file download link is broken